Friday, December 5, 2008

I love, because God first loved me.

Before I head off to school for this week's last lesson, I shall do a quick post here.. (and I am still stuck with my assignment, do not ask why I am still stuck at it after 2 weeks. =/) 

To be honest, I never understood the true meaning of I love because God first loved me. I am a very self assured person although I occassionally whine about some things here and there and sometimes I don't really know what to say when people feel lousy about themselves. The thing is, we're supposed to be self-loving, selfish creatures of the earth. But what happens when you don't love yourself, feel constantly depressed about everything and just can't seem to carry on with life this way. 

Self-love, may I clarify before i move on, is not narcissism, which is also known as excessive self love.  (btw if u love yourself too much, tts bad too, another day on that though). I am still a strong believer in loving yourself before you love anything else on this earth. Loving yourself in the way of having self-respect, of valuing yourself as an individual and not being selfish. 

I found this article on the net which was penned by a lady on her blog about self love and she writes on it with her own experiences. excerpts here and there. (just in case you want to read her other very interesting articles)

The one thing I've reflected on recently is how God has brought me through so much during the last 10 years. I look back at my life and the things that I use to do and I wonder why I acted in such a way that was detrimental to my physical and emotional well being. The one answer I come up with is that I didn't love myself. I didn't care about me... I didn't think that I was worthy of true love. You see, I bought into Satan's lies. I believed him when he told me I couldn't be saved. I believed him when he told me that I'd never be loved again after divorce. I believed him when he told me that no one would want to have any kind of relationship with a single mother of two boys. I believed him when he told me that I couldn't work and go to school to complete my master's degree. I believed him when he told me that things would be too difficult for me to accomplish. 

I do need to say however, that I know who holds the future and it is not Satan! I now believe my Heavenly Father who tells me that nothing is impossible through Him. I know that I am beautiful because I was created in the image of God. I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I know that I am a child of the King! I know that my God has carried me through the last 31 years... I can't even breathe without giving praise and honor to my Creator! 

I pray that others who are struggling with negative self images will know that God is their only hope. I pray that those who have low self esteem will know that they are beautiful because they were created uniquely by the Father. I pray that those who need strength or comforting will understand that the battle they are facing has already been won on Calvary. We can't always understand why we go through the trials we are facing, but we can always count on God to comfort and protect us while we are in the valley.

and so that concludes, I love because God first loved me. and once you have learnt to love yourself, you will be ready to love others in the same way that God loved you. Don't let evil draw you away from the knowledge of love. (= 

Ephesians 4: 21-23
Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 

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